Monday, April 18, 2011

Winds of Change - When life goes tsunami

      Here in Columbia the winds of Spring have been coming from every direction. At times it seems that winter's chill just won't go away! Temperatures have been all over the map lately as we have been in the low 40's one day and upper 80's the next. At times like these it's hard to make sense of what is happening, and when will things stabilize.
     Life can be that way too. Recently, while putting the finishing touches on some Easter music, everything seemed to go sideways all at once. Differences of opinion cloud the issues, while logistical plans that were normally stable suddenly went into a state of limbo. Challenges in my workplace had boiled to a sudden spill that is beginning to calm. Life seemingly got really crazy, really fast.
     As I write, I am reminded of the storm that Jesus calmed on the waters of the Sea of Galilee. Mountains surround that very large lake that is below sea level. Many times the conditions made it easy for the west winds to swoop down, without a moments notice, to create a mini-tsunami like wave that struck fear even to the normally sea-worthy fisherman / disciples in the boat.
    Life gets like that at times when everything appears calm, then "wham!" nothing is stable. Where do you turn when life goes sideways? Is there a rock you use when life storms come. People today see their lives differently than in the past. How do you navigate the tough times? Many people handle crises differently. What is your life anchor in times of trouble. Friends? family? Personal drive? Faith? How's it workin' for you?